Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Introduction / Repair instruction / Precaution / For vehicles equipped with mobile communication system

Toyota Corolla (E120): For vehicles equipped with mobile communication system

  1. Install an antenna as far as possible away from the ecu and sensors of the vehicle’s electronic systems.
  2.  install an antenna feeder at least 20 cm (7.87 In.) Away from the ecu and sensors of the vehicle’s electronic systems.

    For details of the ecu and sensors locations, refer to the section on the applicable component.

  3.  prevent the antenna feeder from getting entangled with the other wirings, and keep the antenna feeder separately from the other wirings as much as possible.
  4.  check that the antenna and feeder are correctly adjusted.
  5.  do not install any powerful mobile communication system.
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