Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Diagnostics / Sfi system / Diagnostic trouble code chart
Toyota Corolla (E120): Diagnostic trouble code chart
: as for the vehicle for mexico, refer to repair manual 2003 corolla (pub. No. Rm938u).
Parameters listed in the chart may not be exactly the same as your readings due to the type of instrument or other factors.
If a malfunction code is displayed during the dtc check in the check mode, check the circuit for the codes listed in the table below. For details of each code, refer to the ’’’’ under the respective ’’dtc no.’’ In the dtc chart.
*1: ” ○” ... Mil is illuminated, ”—” ... Mil is not illuminated.
*2: Mil is illuminated or blinks *3: this dtc is indicate a malfunction related to primary circuit.
Other materials:
Sliding roof/convertible
Service data
Torque specification
Engine hood/door
Torque specification
Exterior/interior trim
Torque specification
Cruise control
Service data
Torque specification
Exhaust gas precautions
Harmful substance to the
human body is included in
exhaust gases if inhaled.
Exhaust gases include harmful
carbon monoxide (CO), which is
colorless and odorless. Observe
the following precautions.
Failure to do so may cause
exhaust gases enter the vehicle
and may lead to an accident
caused ...
Torque converter clutch and drive plate (atm)
1. Inspect torque converter clutch assy
Inspect the one–way clutch.
Set sst into the inner race of the one–way clutch.
Sst 09350–32014 (09351–32010)
set sst so that it fits in the notch of the converter
hub and outer race of the one–way clutch.