Toyota Corolla (E170): Adjusting the seats

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Hint: installation is in the reverse order of the removal. But the installation is indicated only when it has a point. 1. Remove radiator grille sub–assy Remove the 2 bolts and clip.  using a screwdriver, remove the radiator grille. Hint: tape the screwdriver tip before use. ...

1. Headlight aim only  place the vehicle in the following conditions. The area around the headlight is not deformed. The vehicle is parked on a level surface. Tire inflation pressure is in the specified value . A driver is in the driver’s seat and the vehicle is in a state rea ...

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1. Inspect air–fuel ratio compensation system Hint: you can also check the system by choosing ”data monitor”, then ”o2 sensor output voltage” on the monitor of the hand–held tester. Connect the hand–held tester to the terminal 23 (ox1a) @ 7 (e1) and 21 (ox1b) @ 7 (e1) of ...