Toyota Corolla (E170): Registering a Bluetooth® device

Before using the Bluetooth® audio/phone, it is necessary to register a Bluetooth® device in the system. You can register up to 5 Bluetooth® devices.

How to register a Bluetooth® device

1 Press using . and select “Bluetooth*” using 2 Press  and select “BT Pairing”.

2 Press using . and select “BT Pairing” using A passkey will be displayed..

A passkey will be displayed.

3 SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) incompatible Bluetooth® devices: Input the passkey into the device.

SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) compatible Bluetooth® devices: Select “Yes” to register the device. Depending on the type of device, it may register automatically.

If a Bluetooth® device has both music player and cellular phone functions, both functions will be registered at the same time. When deleting the device, both functions will be deleted at the same time.

If the off-hook switch is pressed and the “Phone” mode is entered when no phones have been registered, the registration screen will be automatically displayed.

*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

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