Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Diagnostics / ABS with EBD system / Problem symptoms table
Toyota Corolla (E120): Problem symptoms table
If a normal code is displayed during the dtc check but the problem still occurs, check the circuits for each problem symptom in the order given in the table below and proceed to the relevant troubleshooting page.
: when replacing skid control ecu, sensor or etc., Turn the ignition switch to off.
Other materials:
Seat belts
Make sure that all occupants
are wearing their seat
belts before driving the
Observe the following precautions
to reduce the risk of injury in the
event of sudden braking, sudden
swerving or an accident.
Failure to do so may cause death
or serious injury.
■Wearing a seat belt
E ...
Abbreviations used in this manual
Inspection procedure
if different dtcs related to different systems that have terminal e2
as the ground terminal are output
simultaneously, terminal e2 may be open.
Read freeze frame data using the hand-held tester or the obd ii scan
tool. Freeze frame data records
the engine conditions when a malf ...