Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Diagnostics / Sfi system / List of disable a monitor
Toyota Corolla (E120): List of disable a monitor
: this table indicates ecm monitoring status for the items in the upper columns if the dtcs in each line on the left are being set.
Other materials:
Engine immobilizer system
The vehicle's keys have
built-in transponder chips
that prevent the engine from
starting if a key has not
been previously registered
in the vehicle's on-board
Never leave the keys inside
the vehicle when you leave
the vehicle.
This system is designed to
help prevent vehicle theft
but doe ...
Basic inspection
Resistance measuring condition of electronic parts
unless stated, all resistance is measured at an ambient
temperature of 20 c (68 °F). As the resistance
may be outside the specifications if measured at high temperatures
immediately after
the vehicle has been running, measu ...
Inspection procedure
if dtcs besides misfire are memorized simultaneously, first perform
the troubleshooting for them.
Read freeze frame data using the hand-held tester or the obd ii scan
tool. Freeze frame data records
the engine conditions when a malfunction is detected. When troubleshooting,
it ...