Toyota Corolla (E120): Lighting


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Wiper & washer

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    Circuit description
    The vapor pressure sensor and the vsv for the canister closed valve (ccv) are used to detect abnormalities in the evaporative emission control system. The ecm decides whether there is an abnormality in the evaporative emission control system based on the vapor pressure sensor signal. Dtc p0 ...

    Cruise control system
    On–vehicle inspection 1. Check play of accelerator auto drive cable assy Push the wire into the cable so as not to move the throttle link and put a mark on the position shown in the illustration. Pull the wire and check the moved distance of the mark. 2. Adjust play in acce ...

    Adjustment Hint: since the centering bolt is used as a hood hinge and hood lock set bolt, the hood and hood lock can not be adjusted with it on. Substitute a bolt with washer for the centering bolt. 1. Inspect hood sub–assy Check that the clearance is within the standard value. ...