Toyota Corolla (E120): Circuit description
The door control receiver receives a signal from the transmitter and sends this signal to the integration relay.
Then, the integration relay controls door operation by sending a door lock/unlock signal to each door lock motor.
Wiring diagram
Other materials:
Safety information for
Safety Connect
Important! Read this information
before using Safety Connect.
■ Exposure to radio frequency
The Safety Connect system
installed in your vehicle is a
low-power radio transmitter and
receiver. It receives and also
sends out radio frequency (RF)
In August 1996, the Federal
Communica ...
Inspection procedure
if dtcs p0115, p0116, p0117, p0118 and p0125 are output
simultaneously, the engine coolant temperature
sensor circuit may be open or short. Perform the troubleshooting of dtc
p0115, p0117 or
p0118 first.
Read freeze frame data using the hand-held tester or the obd ii scan
to ...
since the centering bolt is used as a hood hinge and hood lock
set bolt, the hood and hood lock can not be adjusted with it on.
Substitute a bolt with washer for the centering bolt.
1. Inspect hood sub–assy
Check that the clearance is within the standard value.