Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Theft deterrent & door lock / Wireless door lock control system
Toyota Corolla (E120): Wireless door lock control system
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Inspection procedure
1 Check side squib(rh) circuit(airbag sensor assy center – front
seat airbag assy rh)
Disconnect the negative (–) terminal cable from the battery,
and wait at least for 90 seconds.
disconnect the connectors between the airbag sensor
assy center and the front seat airbag assy ...
Check open circuit
For the open circuit in the wire harness in fig. 1, Perform
a resistance check in step (b) or a voltage check in step
(c) to locate the section.
Check the resistance.
Disconnect connectors a and c and measure the
resistance between them.
Resistance: 1 Ω or les ...
On–vehicle inspection
1. Check battery electrolyte level
Check the electrolyte quantity of each cell (maintenance–free battery).
If under the lower level, replace the battery (or add distilled
water if possible) and check the charging
check the electrolyte quantity of each cell ...