Toyota Corolla (E210) 2019-2025 Owners Manual / For safety and security / Theft deterrent system
Toyota Corolla (E210): Theft deterrent system
Other materials:
Tire rotation
Rotate the tires in the order
To equalize tire wear and extend
tire life, Toyota recommends that
tire rotation is carried out at the
same interval as tire inspection.
Vehicles with a tire pressure warning
system: Do not fail to initialize
the tire pressure warning system
after tire ...
Inspection procedure
1 Check side air bag sensor assy lh
Sst 09843–18040
Connect the negative (–) terminal cable to the battery,
and wait at least for 2 seconds.
turn the ignition switch to on, and wait at least for 20 seconds.
clear the dtc stored in memory .
turn the ignition swi ...
How to proceed with troubleshooting
1 Vehicle brought in
2 Customer problem analysis check and symptom check
3 Problem symptoms table
Without applicable symptoms, proceed to ”a”
with applicable symptoms, proceed to ”b”
4 Perform troubleshooting in the following method, depending on
malfunction symptom ...