Toyota Corolla (E120): Supplemental restraint systems

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1. Inspect 1st gear thrust clearance Using a feeler gauge, measure the 1st gear thrust clearance. Standard clearance: 0.10 – 0.40 Mm (0.0039 – 0.0157 In.) 2. Inspect 2nd gear thrust clearance Using a dial indicator, measure the 2nd gear thrust clearance. Standard clearan ...

Inspection procedure
1 Check d squib circuit(airbag sensor assy center – horn button assy) Disconnect the negative (–) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at least for 90 seconds.  disconnect the connectors between the horn button assy and the airbag sensor assy center.  for the blac ...

Engine immobilizer system
The vehicle's keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the engine from starting if a key has not been previously registered in the vehicle's on-board computer. Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehicle. This system is designed to help prevent vehicle theft but doe ...