Toyota Corolla (E120) 2002–2008 Repair Manual / Preparation / Emission control
Toyota Corolla (E120): Emission control
Other materials:
Inspection procedure
read freeze frame data using the hand-held tester or the obd ii scan tool.
Freeze frame data records the
engine conditions when a malfunction is detected. When troubleshooting, it is
useful for determining whether
the vehicle was running or stopped, the engine was warmed up or not, the ...
On–vehicle inspection
1. Install lspv gauge (sst) and bleed air
remove the bleeder plugs from the front and rear brake cylinder.
install the lspv gauge (sst), and bleed the air.
Sst 09709–29018
2. Raise master cylinder pressure and check rear wheel cylinder pressure
when inspectin ...
Driving assist systems
To keep driving safety and
performance, the following
systems operate automatically
in response to various
driving situations. Be
aware, however, that these
systems are supplementary
and should not be relied
upon too heavily when operating
the vehicle.
Summary of the driving
assist systems
■ ABS ( ...