Toyota Corolla (E170): Cruise control

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Wireless remote control (if equipped)
The keys are equipped with the following wireless remote control: Vehicles without a smart key system Locks the doors Unlocks the doors Opens the windows*1 and moon roof*1, 2 Opens the trunk Sounds the alarm Vehicles with a smart key system Locks the doors Unlocks the doors Opens the ...

Circuit description
A thermistor is built in the engine coolant temperature sensor and changes the resistance value according to the engine coolant temperature. The structure of the sensor and connection to the ecm is the same as those of the intake air temperature sensor. Hint: if the ecm detects the dtc ...

Definition of terms
Term Definition Monitor description Description of what the ecm monitors and how it detects malfunction (monitoring purpose and its details). Related dtcs Diagnostic code Typical enabling condition Preconditions that allow the ecm to detect m ...