Toyota Corolla (E120): Components
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Inspection procedure
if different dtcs related to different systems that have terminal e2
as the ground terminal are output
simultaneously, terminal e2 may be open.
Read freeze frame data using the hand-held tester or the obd ii scan
tool. Freeze frame data records
the engine conditions when a malf ...
Fuel system
1. Before working on fuel system, disconnect negative (–) terminal cable
2. Do not smoke or work near an open flame when working on fuel system
3. Keep gasoline away from rubber or leather parts
4. Work for prevent gasoline from spilling out
Remove the rear s ...
How to proceed with troubleshooting
1 Vehicle brought in
2 Customer problem analysis check and symptom check
3 Problem symptoms table
Without applicable symptoms, proceed to ”a”
with applicable symptoms, proceed to ”b”
4 Perform troubleshooting in the following method, depending on
malfunction symptom ...