Toyota Corolla (E120): Automatic transaxle fluid (atm)

On–vehicle inspection

1. Check the fluid level



: drive the vehicle so that the engine and transaxle are at normal operating temperature. Fluid temperature: 70 – 80 °c (158 – 176 °f)

  1.  park the vehicle on a level surface and set the parking brake.
  2.  with the engine idling and the brake pedal depressed, shift the shift lever into all ranges from p to l position and return to p position.
  3.  pull out the dipstick and wipe it clean.
  4. ) push it back fully into the pipe.
  5.  pull it out and check that the fluid level is in the hot position.

If there are leaks, it is necessary to repair or replace o–rings, fipgs, oil seals, plugs or other parts.

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